During development of my next cloud app that uses Atlassian’s ACE Framework, I have came to a point where I need to modify ACE Framework code to better suit my needs. ACE uses Ngrok for tunneling between development machine and Cloud Jira instance. It is hard coded to use a free Ngrok tunnel with following
Category: Java
Java related posts
Hosting a Static Site on Amazon S3
Amazon S3 has very cheap pricing model and a huge bandwidth that makes it perfect for serving static web sites. I will try to summarize what I have done here because it is the 4th time I have doing the same thing and I still need to go over a few different tutorials. I will
Using Selenium Chrome Driver on Mac OS X
Update (26/06/2015) Previously I have written a function which waits until a specific element is available on the page, doWhenAvailable. I have find out Selenium has already a similar feature build-in. Its element search functions could wait until an element is available on the page. It can be activated in @BeforeClass method: [code language=”java”]driver. manage(
Automate Native to Ascii Conversion with Gulp
All of my recent projects use Javascript and Java together. Increasing I’m switching from Maven to Gulp for automation. I have now perform native to ascii conversion with gulp instead of maven and native2ascii tool of JDK. [code language=”javascript”]var gulp = require(“gulp”); var n2a = require(“gulp-native2ascii”); var shell = require(“gulp-shell”); gulp.task(“n2a”, function () { gulp.src(“src/main/resources/i18n/reminders*.properties”)
ShopaHolic iPhone uygulaması ile Limango, Markafoni ve Trendyol kampanya sitelerindeki kampanyaları yakından takip edebilirsiniz. Tek bir arayüz üzerinden kampanyaları takip edip fiyat karşılaştırması yapabilirsiniz. İsterseniz anahtar kelimeler tanımlayıp uygulamanın size haber vermesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Kampanya’dan ürün sayfasına kadar ulaşabilir isterseniz “Satın Al” fonksiyonu ile ürünü ilgili sitenin kendi arayüzü üzerinden satın alabilirsiniz.
Android Kargo Takip Uygulaması
Günümüzde bir çoğumuz Internet üzerinden alış veriş yapıyoruz. Özellikle yurt dışından yapılan alış verişlerde kargonun nerede olduğunu takip etmek zor oluyor. PTT’nin takip sayfası oldukca kullanışsız ve yurt dışından yapılan bir gönderinin PTT takip sayfasında çıkması biraz vakit alıyor. Bazı alış veriş siteleri de kargo takip numarasını mail ile göndermeyip kendi siteleri üzerinden hesabınıza girip
CMMI, Scrum, Kanban
Gorgeus UI Timely Android Application
What makes Timely special is its beautiful user interface and animations.
Calibre EBook Server on Amazon EC2
Yesterday I have discovered a new use for my personal server on EC2. I have installed Calibre EBook Server on it and moved all my ebooks on it. Now I could centrally manage my ebook collection. Before that I have used to Dropbox but it was filling up my Dropbox space.
Clone a Postgresql Database
May be there are more efficient ways of doing this, but I could only found following procedure: 1) Create a new DB createdb -U db_user new_db_name 2) Dump data from original DB pg_dump -U db_user -Fc original_db_name > dump_file_name 3) Restore to new db pg_restore -U db_user -d new_db_name dump_file_name