I try to follow several podcast to catch up with my profession and technology. Generally time cost of listening a podcast is zero. For example you can listen them while driving, walking, etc. Followings are my favorite podcasts, I hope you like them. Java Posse: This is my favorite podcast. If you will listen only
Author: Deniz
Installing GoDaddy SSL Certificates on Glassfish v3 Step by Step
Introduction to Glassfish SSL Newly created domains on glassfish has already a self signed certificate in DOMAIN_DIR/config/keystore.jks file. By default this keystore has default password of “changeit”. This certificate is named as s1as. To see this certificate you could issue following command: keytool -list -keystore keystore.jks When asked enter default password “changeit”. You will see
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError and Native Memory
“Thanks for the Memory” is a must read article for every java developer. It is a very good explanation of why sometimes you may need to REDUCE heap size to prevent java.lang.OutofMemoryError. You could download pdf of article writen by Andrew Hall and published at IBM Developerworks.
HTML 5 Up And Running
I could recommend this book to everyone who wants a high level overview of features introduced in HTML 5. Each feature has its own chapter. How to detect browser support for each feature, work around for older browsers (especially internet explorer) are also explained. The book does not go into details of each feature. You
OReilly’s EBooks
I have purchased several books from Oreilly’s EBook store. They are running get 1 free for every two books purchased promotion. Also they guarantee new editions of ebooks you have already purchased for only $5. This prices are the cheapest ones I have find on a ebook store. But they are most of these ebooks
Problems with @PermitAll, @RolesAllowed
Although you could add these annotations to a web service they do not work as expected in Glassfish v3. I haven’t tested it with any other application server. If the URL of web service is not protected in web.xml, @RolesAllowed does not work. If the URL is protected in web.xml, @PermitAll does not work. You
Counting Rows in Apache Cassandra
Update:As of today Apache Cassandra support Counter type and it should be used instead of this custom solution. As you may already notice it is not possible to count number of rows in a column family. In fact there is a request about that in Apache Cassandra bug database. Correctly doing this in a distributed
Introduction to Real-Time Java
A introductory level real time java presentation
Real-Time Java Adaptation: Part 1
Is real-time java suitable for your projects? Should you stay with JavaSE?, or should you consider a completely different platform? Will will try to give answers to these kinds of questions.
Axa Sigorta’nın Benim ile İlgili Olmayan Kazayı Benim Poliçeme İşlemesi
Trafik poliçeniz ile ilgili bilgileri (mesela aracınız ile ilgili herhangi bir kaza bilgisi varmı?) Tramer in internet sitesinden kontrol edebileceğinizi biliyormusunuz? Ben bunu Axa Sigorta ile yaşadığım tatsız bir tecrübeden sonra öğrendim.