Recently I have decided to give a try to Ubuntu One. There are two advantages of Ubunto One over Dropbox: 1) It allows you sync any folder on your computer not just a specific folder like Dropbox. So you could have more than one top level folder synced. 2) It also provides music streaming service
Author: Deniz
TTNET Muzik Android Uygulaması
TTNET’in muzik uygulaması Motorola Xoom’dan başka android tablet’de çalışmıyor. Aslında teknik olarak bir sıkıntı yok ama bu TTNET’in bilinçli olarak uygulamaya koyduğu bir kısıtlama. Bendeki Asus Transformer tablet üzerinde bu uygulamayı çalıştırmak için şu şekilde bir yol izlemiştim: APK dosyasını diassembly edip DeviceRestriction dosyasındaki if-eq v0, v1, :cond_0 satırını if-ne v0, v1, :cond_0 ile değiştirip,
PDF vs EPUB on Android
Most of the ebooks I have purchased are available in several formats including epub and pdf. Due to my Sony ebook reader’s epub support I was biased toward epubs although I have already purchased ezPDF Reader application for my android devices. Recently I have started to read some books that are only available in PDF.
Best eclipse shortcut
I have been using eclipse for years. I were using several shortcuts to speed up things. But I have learned my favorite shortcut, CTRL+3 just a few months ago. It is something like one shortcut to learn them all. How could I miss this for years?
EMO (Elektrik Mühendisleri Odası)
Şirkette bazı arkadaşlara EMO’nun dergisi geliyor. Bu derginin ve EMO’nun elektrik, elektronik veya bilgisayar ile fazla bir ilgisinin olmadığını, tamamen siyasi bir yapıya büründüğünü üzülerek gözlemlemekteyim. Bir siyasi partiden daha fazla siyaset yaptığını rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim. Bilgisayar mühendisi olarak bu odaya kesinlikle üye olmayı düşünmüyorum.
Android’s ListView vs Java’s JList
I have several years of swing experience but I have recently started to play with android API. I have noticed one significant difference in terms of how Flyweight pattern is implemented. In JList you generally create an instance of a ListCellRenderer and return a swing component from getListCellRendererComponent method. Android has also a very similar
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New Features of JDK 7 Explained
For an in company JDK 7 orientation I have prepared a presentation which summaries new features of JDK 7. I would like to make it public for everyone who needs it. New Features of JDK 7 is available on slideshare. You can also download pdf of it from here. New Features Of JDK 7 —
Cassandra Data Model
As you know from my previous post, database backend of Trendocean is Apache Cassandra. If you have relational database background, data model of Cassandra is difficult to work with. Things get more difficult if nature of your application’s data is highly relational. You have to manage every relation yourself. You have to implement cascaded deletes,
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